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The Amsterdam Law Hub is located at the Amsterdam Law School of the University of Amsterdam.

Get in touch with us

Do you have a general question about the Amsterdam Law Hub? Then send us an e-mail via or drop by for a coffee.

Stay up-to-date with the latest news? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter!

Visiting address

The Amsterdam Law Hub is located at the right side of Roeterseiland's main entrance.
Address: Nieuwe Achtergracht 164, 1018 WV Amsterdam

Route for colleagues of the Amsterdam Law School

To reach the Amsterdam Law Hub from REC A, enter the stairwell on the ground floor and turn left. You will then emerge into a glass space, with café Lebkov on your left, and the entrance to the Amsterdam Law Hub on the right. We can also be reached via the main entrance.

Opening hours

Monday         8:00-22:00 hrs
Tuesday         8:00-22:00 hrs
Wednesday   8:00-22:00 hrs
Thursday       8:00-22:00 hrs
Friday             8:00-20:00 hrs

Opening hours of our legal advice centers are listed on their own websites.

Brand identity

Are you working with us, and curious about our brand identity?

The team

The Amsterdam Law Hub is led by a team of specialists in legal innovation, technology, entrepreneurship and communication. It also works closely with staff from the Faculty of Law, and our partners.

Do you have a specific question, and would like to get in touch with one of our staff members directly?

Directeur Nathalie Dijkman
Nathalie Dijkman
Nathalie Dijkman - Director

"I dream of a Hub where students, researchers, tech developers, designers, lawfirms, civil servants, entrepreneurs and artists work together towards a just society and legal innovation."

Research & Innovation Manager Frances Singleton
Frances Singleton
Frances Singleton - Research & Innovation Manager

“Success is not dependent on an idea. It is dependent on how that idea fits within, and is supported by, an ecosystem. At the Law Hub it is my mission to ensure that the bridge between ideas and ecosystems thrives.”

Communicatieadviseur Gabriela Petralia
Gabriela Petralia
Gabriela Petralia - Communications Advisor

"I believe in the power of vocabulary, because words set you thinking and teach you to look at the world differently. By combining my stories with art, at the Law Hub I strive for new perspectives on a more legal system.”

Projectmanager Susan Leclercq
Susan Leclercq
Susan Leclercq - Project Manager

"There are many people in vulnerable situations in the Netherlands who do not receive legal help. It is my mission to improve access to justice, especially for women."

Coördinator Onderwijs & Rechtshulp
Tim Verheij
Tim Verheij - Coördinator Onderwijs & Rechtshulp

"Like access to medical care, everyone should also have access to solutions to legal problems. Justice as a commons, that's what I'm going for."

Studentassistent Myrthe van Wilgen
Myrthe van Wilgen
Myrthe van Wilgen - Student assistent

"Law and justice are not always the same. The Law Hub is making a difference in this regard, and I'm happy to be a part of it!"