Goals of 'The Responsive Government Lawyer':
- Invite government lawyers to reflect on their own role from different, philosophical perspectives.
- To gain insight into dilemmas ('gut pain files') that arise in different contexts and organisations.
- Using case studies and dilemmas from everyday practice and from the ideal of the 'reflective professional', they were thus challenged to strengthen their thinking about and the quality of professional attitudes.
- We also zoomed in on the role of (executive) government lawyers in our constitutional state and the corresponding professional ethical frameworks on (automated) procedures they face. Themes covered were responsiveness, customisation and digitalisation.
Impact numbers
- High attendance (20 government lawyers) from different types of agencies, both implementing bodies such as the UWV and the Tax Office, as well as municipalities and ministries.
- Positive evaluation afterwards. Participants indicated that they found it insightful to hear from each other how specific dilemmas are dealt with at other organisations.