In a country where legal problems affect millions of people every year, some citizens find themselves in unnecessarily unpleasant situations. Because many people do not know where to go to, they often end up seeing a lawyer too soon, while these problems could have been remedied at an earlier stage. Amsterdam has a large network of legal desks, legal advice centres, neighbourhood teams, social counsellors and social lawyers - most of whom offer free advice. But where do you start? Who should you turn to as a citizen for which area of law? And how can you, as a legal aid provider, refer clients faster? De Sociaal Juridische Kaart van Amsterdam is the first place where this unique network of (social) legal aid providers comes together. Free of charge and accessible to everyone.
Everyone has a story. So do the legal workers in this campaign. In 'WIJ ZIJN MOKUM', we portrayed them and questioned them about their motivations for practising these meaningful professions. Our aim: to provide recognition for both legal aid providers to refer clients, and citizens in need of legal help.