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Planning to attend the official Legal Geek UK Conference in London? The Amsterdam Law Hub and UvA Sustainability Platform are hosting a workshop on climate justice and how lawyers can contribute to a more sustainable future-proof world.
Kerngegevens van evenement Climate justice workshop at Legal Geek UK
17 oktober 2024
10:00 -16:00

Climate justice: innovating beyond pro bono

Whether you work at a big firm, a corporate or a start-up, we should contribute to climate justice solutions and demonstrate how your organisation can be greener and cleaner. But isn’t providing pro bono hours for climate litigation a bit too old school?

How it works

In this workshop you will get your hands dirty to think beyond pro bono and the usual CSR ideas. We will start with an academic perspective on climate justice, discuss the ups and downs of current (legally traditional) ways of supporting climate action through pro bono, and then work out more sustainable, innovative and effective ways to contribute to a greener earth.

Join us

Get ready for a creative, interactive and socially relevant workshop, leaving you the feeling you can actually make a difference!