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Ahoy, entrepreneurs in and around Amsterdam! Set sail towards legal enlightenment on November 14 at our annual Incuboater event, where we're offering free legal advice to help you navigate the seas of business challenges. Don’t miss out!
Kerngegevens van evenement Incuboater: free legal advice by boat!
14 november 2024
14:00 -17:00

As with every year, we're hosting this floating legal clinic in collaboration with legal professionals from our network. Based on your legal question, you will be assigned to a group with a relevant legal expert specialized in that area.


14h00 Join us at the Amsterdam Law Hub for coffee, and afterward, we’ll head to the boat together.
14h30 The boat will depart and the legal advice starts. 
17h00 We'll return to the Amsterdam Law Hub for networking drinks.

Sign up now

So, are you an entrepreneur or working at a startup making social impact? And are you running into legal challenges? Then register now and we might see you on board November 14!

Unfortunately, due to limited capacity, we cannot handle every application immediately. The sooner you respond, the better your chances of getting a spot.

Sign up here
Nog 23 dagen!

The Incuboater is funded by IXA and UvA Ventures Holdings.

Amsterdam Law Hub

Nieuwe Achtergracht 164
1018WV Amsterdam